What personal branding strategies can I use to boost my online presence?

Do I need to have a photo on my blog site?

The answer is “YES!”  And… it’s one of the first branding strategies you can use to boost your online presence.

I’ve never been an “On Stage” kind of gal.  I’ve never quite understood the need to put oneself in public view.  I’m very comfortable behind the scenes just doing my thing… quietly. However, circumstances have always forced me to step up to the plate and put my mug out there.

For years, I designed for the craft and gift industries. I authored over 80 instructional craft books.  And yes…. my photo was in each and every copy. Thousands and thousands of copies have been distributed throughout the world. My name and face were part of the “promotion strategy.”

“Fortune”… not “Fame”… is my preference. However… in some businesses… the two go together hand in hand. The online presence game requires more than just your name, it requires your face.

How To Put Two and Two Together For Personal Branding

Your name alone is not enough to get folks to remember who you are. Seeing your face on your blog… along with your name… gives you brand identity. When folks see your name… they need to be able to attach your face to it.   So… your photo on your blog is vital. Folks bond with you better when they can see who you are.

Personal Branding for Utah WordPress Websitges

Autumn of ItsAlwaysAutumn.com gives us the perfect example of personal branding. Autumn uses her own avatar for her about section and she is the model for some of her clothing. Love it!

The reason I put a photo on my opt-in pages is that I want my readers to identify with me immediately. My name is just not enough. Besides… it helps them remember me when they get their first e-mail. If they can connect a face with a name… they are more likely to open up the e-mail.

I notice that the sales page text has become more simplified.  Often, there is no graphic header. The absence of a header graphic seems to convert better than one that is all fancy. However… your photo still needs to be on the page. Folks what to see who they are buying from. A photo gives the reader a certain level of confidence that you’re real.

Dave of Milagros in Orem Utah - Personal Branding for Utah WordPtess websites.

Another great example of personal branding is Dave Tomisto of Milagros in Orem, Utah shows us that he is the proud chef behind his unique Mexican cuisine.

Do I Have To Be In The Movies For An Online Presence?

The first video I made was terrifying. I stuttered and stammered. Sheila, who is my videographer, had to stop filming every two minutes so we could start over. As a matter of fact… I still get terrified and I still stammer and stutter. And, we still stop and start over, and over again.

Well… all I can say is… it’s worked great for me. In another niche… I have 28 videos with 250,000 uploads. The videos have served me well. They have provided hundreds of backlinks to my site.

Nicole Stoddard of LuckyDog Recreation jumps in and puts her personal stamp on this video. Not only do you get a taste of the fabulous park playgrounds, you get to see the person behind those projects. Great job Nicole.

The point is… yes, you must at least put your photo on your blog, your opt-in pages and sales pages if you want to get your personal branding up and running. Especially if you are the face of your business.

Video…. Well… that’s up to you… but if your niche requires it… by all means… step up to the plate and smile big.

Til later,

Kathryn Griffiths

P.S. For strong brand building for your online presence… make sure you use a real photo. Avoid using your dog, cat, baby photo or one of those silly gravitars.

P.P.S. You want to make your branding building look professional, using a professional photographer is the way to go! Your the professional in your business, let that professionalism shine.