by sheila atwood | Apr 26, 2019 | WordPress
Now that you have your WordPress Security Basics in, let’s dig a little further and complete the process; actually it is much simpler that you may think. Then I will connect I will connect you Aamir…your go to guy just incase you have been hacked. Have...
by sheila atwood | Mar 29, 2019 | WordPress
Because recently many WordPress websites came under attack by hackers, my inbox has been filled with notices about creating secure websites. Here are 5 simple things you can do right now to get your WordPress website security basics done. Clean up Users and Passwords...
by sheila atwood | Mar 18, 2019 | WordPress
Oh my gosh! I just got notice that WordPress is taking over the web faster than ever. I remember the days when we were just learning to use WordPress through a local WordPress group and WordCamp meant we got to meet Matt Mullenweg. Then there were the days when we...
by sheila atwood | Oct 13, 2018 | WordPress
What is WordPress? It is the easiest way to get your ideas, products and conversations online. In other words, it is a simple but powerful content management system (CMS). Last night I met with our local WordPress Meetup group which ranges from novices to some of...
by sheila atwood | Sep 10, 2018 | WordPress
Finding a WordPress hosting solution that is easy is not necessarily easy to do. Searching the web for the best hosting solution can be confusing (or let’s just put this in plain English, makes you feel like you died and went to hell.) Using different hosting...